Sunday, March 28, 2010

Culture Industries and the Globalization of Popular Culture (Globalization- Group 1)

The concept of culture industry, developed by Adorno and Horkheimer, seeks to define the products and processes of mass culture in a way that encourages consumption over reflection. This Marxist school of thought echoes the idea that mass culture is regurgitated in a way tailored to the masses with goals of obtaining a profit. Consumers who no longer have the ability to develop independent and autonomous art and are lacking the capacity to explicitly define high and low culture are fed a string of "products" generated in a formulaic fashion to promote mindless consumerism.

In this podcast we will be analyzing the factors that are utilized by culture industries to influence, create, and expand the globalization of popular culture within the global village.

We will begin by exploring how two particular American corporations, McDonald's and Coca-Cola, have influenced the globalization of popular culture by each becoming successfully integrated into global culture markets. By exploring these two culture industries' ability to adapt, immerse, and appeal to the mass, we attempt to illustrate not only that the concept of the culture industry is prevalent globally, but that the structure of these industries works as a medium for globalized popular culture. We will also focus on how the specific values of these brands are communicated and modified throughout the world, including an insight into the vast spread of "Americanization" facilitated by these global culture industries.

1 comment:

  1. Race & Ethnicity- Group 1 Media Affiliations with Race Perception

    We will address how certain media outlets frame race to the general public, specifically to children viewers and what this does for their own personal perception of color. We will illustrate certain examples such as Clark’s Doll Test and the film, “The Princess and the Frog” and what implications these examples have for how youth look at their own color and how media looks at color. The terms race and ethnicity will also be clarified to help further the understanding within this discussion and lastly, we will navigate through the media’s history of lacking diverse actors and how it adversely affects youth today.

    In this podcast, we will be delving into the idea that the media and entertainment industry alike lack diversity and fail to represent a realistic portrayal of particular races. The lack of color in TV, film, etc; has an effect on children that perpetuates prejudice ideals and is simply not representative of our population today.
